Informed Digest: Wonder Woman, She-Session, #ShadesOfOtherhood…

Keeping up & in the know…

Upworthy: Here’s What Happens When You Put a Few Little Kids in a Room With 2 Dolls in 2 Different Colors

Global News: Decoding the She-Session: What Did the Downturn Do to Women’s Work?

“The report reveals that young women have been hit hardest. The employment rate among young women dropped eight percentage points, even as more women aged 65 to 69 are working than ever before.


The answer to boosting women’s employment rates is safe, affordable and accessible childcare.”

-Dani-Elle Dube

Blog TO: Mass Wedding to Highlight World Pride in Toronto

“Up to 200 queer couples are invited to recite their vows at Casa Loma at a mass wedding on Thursday, June 26. Officiants from a number of faiths will be available, and facilities, flowers, music and photographers will all be covered—though couples will still have to pay the $45 marriage license fee.”

-Natalia Manzocco

Native News Online: ELLE UK Persuades Pharrell Williams into Becoming the Latest Red Face Disgrace

“It’s time we stop settling for meaningless apologies and demand that celebrities and brands be held accountable for their actions. It may seem overkill, but we should still be bombarding ELLE, ELLE UK, American Express, and Pharrell’s label and discussing why this is an issue that cannot be fixed with words. Corrective actions must be taken because the only way to stop this wilful ignorance is if the offenders feel the consequences, whether it’s through fines or being dropped from labels and tours or losing sponsorships. At this point, an apology doesn’t cut it because the magazine will still be released with the same cover and the same disrespectful photographs. Pharrell and ELLE magazine will still be promoting and profiting from their blatant disregard of indigenous people and that is unacceptable.”

-Johnnie Jae

Hennessy’s Index: Ontario Equal Pay Day Facts

“79: The age women in Ontario would have to work until in order to catch up to what men earn, on average, by the time they reach 65 years of age.


$6.43: The hourly wage premium for unionized women workers in Ontario, showing how unions can also be great equalizers.”

-Trish Hennessy

Dorkly: The Trouble with Wonder Woman

“Have you seen what’s going on at Marvel? They’re turning all of their properties into freestanding movies. And DC can’t give Wonder Woman a movie? She’s one of the three biggest DC heroes in history!”

-Julie Lepetit & Andrew Bridgman

DeVries Global: #ShadesOfOtherhood

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